Unreal Tournament By Natasha L. - www.lupinia.net Date: October 6, 2006 ======================== ## GOTY Weapons Guide One of the appeals of [Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreal_Tournament) is the wide variety of weaponry it provides. Unfortunately, with such a variety available, choosing the right gun for a given situation can be difficult, so I've prepared this description of each gun, and its ideal usage. Each one is listed by number, which refers to its location at the bottom of the HUD. Primary fire is the function accessed by the trigger (usually the left mouse button). Alternate fire is accessed by the secondary trigger (usually the right mouse button). ### Translocator *Slot:* 1 *Description:* This "weapon" is used for teleporting from place to place. Simply use alternate fire to shoot the translocator, then use primary fire to teleport to the translocator's new location. *Usage:* While it is possible to kill someone by firing the translocator at them, then teleporting on top of them (aka "telefragging"), it's extremely difficult to do and not very reliable. Only use this as a weapon as an absolute last resort (but it makes a great tool!) *Primary Function:* Teleport (after firing with secondary) *Secondary Function:* Fire Translocator/Remove Fired Translocator ### Airhammer *Slot:* 1 *Description:* This is basically a cylinder with a pneumatic ram behind it. Highly lethal, but strictly a melee weapon. *Usage:* It's a melee weapon, pretty self-explanatory. It does an acceptable job. *Primary Function:* Rapid-fire *Secondary Function:* Charge (release to fire, greater damage) ### Enforcer *Slot:* 2 *Description:* A simple pistol, the Enforcer is standard issue for all UT games (unless you're using some weird mutator). *Usage:* This is a pretty basic weapon, and rather weak, but versatile. If your aim is good enough, the Enforcer can do some serious damage, especially if you have two of them (loot as many as you can from your dead teammates!) *Primary Function:* Standard Fire (slower, more accurate) *Secondary Function:* Sidearm Stance (faster, less accurate) ### Biosludge Rifle *Slot:* 3 *Description:* Usually referred to as the "poop gun", the Biosludge fires the excrement of some exotic fantasy creature that happens to be highly volatile. *Usage:* The Biosludge's fired ammo is closely akin to land mines, so fire it into a high-traffic area for fun results. Don't waste your ammo though, the globs explode on their own after a few seconds. *Primary Function:* Rapid Fire *Secondary Function:* Charge (click & hold to build up a huge glob) ### Shock Rifle *Slot:* 4 *Description:* This is one of the best low-end weapons in the game. Simple, accurate, and versatile, the Shock Rifle is an excellent weapon for close and long-range combat. *Usage:* The primary function of this gun is instant-hit (despite its delayed-hit animation), and makes a good (though low-power) sniper rifle. The secondary function isn't overly useful, but is well suited for close combat. However, shooting the shock balls with a shock blast will generate a massive explosion. This is tricky to use, but once you learn it, this technique can cause massive amounts of damage, especially in close combat situations. *Primary Function:* Insta-Hit Shock Blasts *Secondary Function:* Shock Balls ### Pulse Cannon *Slot:* 5 *Description:* Another good mid-range weapon, the pulse cannon is a greener, less common cousin of the Shock Rifle *Usage:* The Pulse Cannon is, unfortunately, one of the most frequently mis-used weapons in the game. Its primary function (pulse balls) is often overlooked, but is very effective at close range. Its secondary function (and most famous) is a steady green beam that eats through whatever you're aiming at. While fun and unique to use, this beam is actually fairly useless. It has a short range, and fires slower than the primary function, and at point-blank range (where most people try to use it as a last resort), it takes twice as long to make the kill as the primary function. So, save the pretty green beam for targets that are within 20 feet of you, but not closer than 3 feet, and only when aimed at the head. Use the primary function for everything else, or a different gun (something more suited to long-distance shots, perhaps). *Primary Function:* Pulse Balls (fire faster than secondary, travel faster than the Shock Rifle's shock balls) *Secondary Function:* Pulse Beam (slower, but good when targetted at the head) ### Ripper *Slot:* 6 *Description:* One of the most useless guns in the game, the Ripper fires circular razor blades. The bots love this gun. *Usage:* The Ripper is usually hated by most UT players and considered to be a waste of a slot, but it does have its niche. This is the only gun that can make more than one ricochet (in a realistic map), and one of two guns that can make a true headshot. So, use this for small indoor spaces where there are lots of enemy targets, and play off the ricochet! It does that for a reason, and you can get 5-6 good ricochets from one shot. Hallways are an excellent place to use this. Don't bother with the secondary function on this gun, only the bots use it, and you're more likely to get a kill with the Translocator than with the Ripper's secondary fire. *Primary Function:* Razor Discs *Secondary Function:* Exploding Razor Discs (slower, no ricochet, no headshot) ### Minigun *Slot:* 7 *Description:* Fast-firing machine gun, uses the same ammo as the Enforcer. *Usage:* This gun is pretty over-used, especially by bots. Its primary function is decent enough, but nothing special. Its secondary function is rather poor. Use another gun when possible. *Primary Function:* Standard Fire (more accurate) *Secondary Function:* Rapid Fire (horribly inaccurate, even at close range, waste of ammo) ### Flak Cannon *Slot:* 8 *Description:* My personal favourite, a gun that shoots white-hot shrapnel at your target, much like a shotgun *Usage:* This is probably the single-best close range weapon in the game. Two shots with primary fire will kill almost anyone regardless of shielding or armour, and one shot of secondary fire is almost a guaranteed one-hit kill (though the secondary function is harder to hit someone with than primary). It can be used at long-range, but it's not recommended. Also, the primary fire from this gun will ricochet at least once per shot. *Primary Function:* Flak Blast (Faster, somewhat less accurate, but more potential per shot in close groups) *Secondary Function:* Flak Grenade (No spread, one hit kill, unpredictable flight path) ### Rocket Launcher *Slot:* 9 *Description:* A basic rocket launcher, every FPS has one *Usage:* UT's rocket launcher isn't very good at its job, it takes 2-3 hits to kill someone even if they have no armour and have already been hit by something. Its secondary fire, grenades, are somewhat better, but still disappointingly weak. It does, however, have something over other games: Multi-Fire. Holding down either firing button will load up to six projectiles in the launcher, and will fire them when the firing button is released, or when six projectiles have been loaded. This is quite useful for close groups, and perfect for the grenades, but it takes awhile to load up multiples, so don't rely on this in a close combat emergency. Also, hovering on a target for a few seconds will lock onto that person, delivering a rocket right to their backside. *Primary Function:* Rockets (click & hold to charge multiple shots, hover on target for guided mode) *Secondary Function:* Grenades (click & hold to charge multiple shots) ### Sniper Rifle *Slot:* 10 *Description:* Generic sniper rifle, nothing unusual here *Usage:* Another favourite of mine (that my LAN party mates know very well), the sniper rifle is an amazing all-around weapon. While it's intended for long-range use with the scope, it also works well at medium and close range without it. *Primary Function:* Semi-Auto Rifle Shots *Secondary Function:* Scope (click & hold to zoom, click again to reset) ### Redeemer *Slot:* 10 *Description:* A small nuclear warhead :-D *Usage:* This is a very rare weapon, but most maps have one. Its primary fire is rather silly, but its secondary fire (fly-by-wire) is amazing. When using it, steer using the mouse and aim for clusters. The Redeemer's missile can be shot down, though, so fly erratically and make yourself hard to hit. Also, to throw people off and detonate prematurely (in mid-air right in front of a group while they line up shots on you), hit primary fire while flying. The guided flight mode is a bit tricking, I recommend playing single-player and using the cheat codes to practice flying the redeemer when you're not playing multiplayer. *Primary Function:* Standard Rocket (flies in a perfectly straight line) *Secondary Function:* Fly-By-Wire ### Chainsaw (Special) *Slot:* 1 *Description:* Chainsaw massacre, anyone? *Usage:* This is only present when using a mutator or cheat code, but it is a force to be reckoned with! This melee weapon is a one-hit kill, and all you have to do to kill someone with it is hit them for about one second with it. *Primary Function:* Ordinary Melee (holds one position) *Secondary Function:* Slashing Movement (slice your target in half!) ### Enhanced Shock Rifle (Special) *Slot:* 4 *Description:* A one-shot-kill version of the Shock Rifle *Usage:* This is only present when using the Insta-Gib mutator. You get unlimited ammo, and both triggers do the exact same thing. Excellent practice for no-scope headshots with the sniper rifle. Also, like its less-exciting brother (regular Shock Rifle), the Enhanced Shock Rifle is insta-hit (despite its delayed-hit animation). *Primary Function:* One-Shot-Kill Insta-Hit Shock Blast *Secondary Function:* One-Shot-Kill Insta-Hit Shock Blast ## 2004 Weapons Guide Hello again! As some of you may remember, I prepared a weapon guide for UT:GOTY, and it was quite well-received by other members of my LAN groups. While I still love the old UT, most people want to play UT:2004 instead. So, now that I've gained adequate proficiency in UT:2004, this is my weapons guide for this game. Each one is listed by number, which refers to its location at the bottom of the HUD. Primary fire is the function accessed by the trigger (usually the left mouse button). Alternate fire is accessed by the secondary trigger (usually the right mouse button). ### Translocator *Slot:* 1 *Usage:* This "weapon" is used for teleporting from place to place. Simply use primary fire to shoot the translocator, then use alternate fire to teleport to the translocator's new location. While it is possible to kill someone by firing the translocator at them, then teleporting on top of them (aka "telefragging"), it's extremely difficult to do and not very reliable. Only use this as a weapon as an absolute last resort (but it makes a great tool!). As an added bonus, UT2004 adds a new feature to the translocator, a remote-operated camera. I personally haven't used this much, but I've heard it works well for scouting. To use it, fire the translocator, then hit Q and scroll with the mouse. You'll be blind to your immediate surroundings doing this, so make sure you have backup or a good hiding spot. *Primary Function:* Fire Translocator/Remove Fired Translocator *Secondary Function:* Teleport (after firing translocator) *Bonus Function:* Remote Camera (hit Q to activate) ### Shield Gun *Slot:* 1 *Usage:* A melee/defensive weapon that uses a forcefield to deflect projectiles and attack targets. Its primary fire is similar to the airhammer, it builds up a charge and releases it against your target when you release the trigger, or when you contact an enemy. Secondary fire deploys a deflector shield in front of you, which will defend against most weapons. The secondary fire cannot be used offensively, nor can it be used with other weapons. But, you can use it to block for other players in close combat situations. *Primary Function:* Charge (click & hold to build up energy) *Secondary Function:* Deflection Shield ### Assault Rifle *Slot:* 2 *Usage:* This is a pretty basic weapon, and rather weak, but versatile. If your aim is good enough, the Enforcer can do some serious damage, especially if you have two of them (loot as many as you can from your dead colleagues!). Its secondary fire shoots small grenades, click and hold to build up energy, release to fire one at a time. If you have dual rifles, only one at a time will fire grenades. *Primary Function:* Standard Fire *Secondary Function:* Grenade Launcher ### Biosludge Rifle *Slot:* 3 *Usage:* Usually referred to as the "poop gun", the Biosludge fires the excrement of some exotic fantasy creature that happens to be highly volatile. The Biosludge's fired ammo is closely akin to land mines, so fire it into a high-traffic area for fun results. Don't waste your ammo though, the globs explode on their own after a few seconds. *Primary Function:* Rapid Fire *Secondary Function:* Charge (click & hold to build up a huge glob, up to 10 ammo units) ### Mine Layer *Slot:* 3 *Usage:* This is a new gun for 2004, it fires spider mines on the ground. These mines are semi-intelligent, with legs, and will run and jump at any enemies who come by. You can only have 8 at a time deployed (there's a display when the weapon is active showing how many mines are deployed), the oldest one will explode when more than 8 are fired. The mines will stay in place indefinitely once fired, or until the owner dies. However, you can move them using alternate fire. Target the alt fire laser beam where you want the mines to go, and all of the mines you own will flock to that spot. *Primary Function:* Mine Deployment *Secondary Function:* Repositioning/Targeting Laser ### Shock Rifle *Slot:* 4 *Usage:* This is one of the best low-end weapons in the game. Simple, accurate, and versatile, the Shock Rifle is an excellent weapon for close and long-range combat. The primary function of this gun is instant-hit, and makes a good (though low-power) sniper rifle. The secondary function isn't overly useful, but is well suited for close combat. The secondary fire balls explode when hit by the shock blast, creating a lethal explosion around the area, and this behaviour has been greatly improved since GOTY. *Primary Function:* Insta-Hit Shock Blasts *Secondary Function:* Shock Balls ### Link Gun *Slot:* 5 *Usage:* Another good mid-range weapon, the Link Gun (formerly the Pulse Cannon) is a greener, less common cousin of the Shock Rifle. The Link Gun is, unfortunately, one of the most frequently mis-used weapons in the game. Its primary function (pulse balls) is often overlooked, but is very effective at close range. Its secondary function (and most famous) is a steady green beam that eats through whatever you're aiming at. While fun and unique to use, this beam is actually fairly useless. It has a short range, and fires slower than the primary function, and at point-blank range (where most people try to use it as a last resort), it takes twice as long to make the kill as the primary function. So, save the pretty green beam for targets that are within 20 feet of you, but not closer than 3 feet, and only when aimed at the head. Use the primary function for everything else, or a different gun (something more suited to long-distance shots, perhaps). One thing the Link Gun's secondary fire is good for, though, is repairing vehicles and equipment (link nodes, for example). It will consume ammo to do this, but when targetted at friendly equipment, the Link Gun will restore the item's hit points. So, when playing a map with vehicles or link nodes, keep a charged link gun in reserve! *Primary Function:* Pulse Balls (fire faster than secondary, travel faster than the Shock Rifle's shock balls) *Secondary Function:* Pulse/Repair Beam (slower, but good when targetted at the head, and will repair friendly equipment) ### Minigun *Slot:* 6 *Usage:* Fast-firing machine gun, every FPS has one. This one uses the same ammo as the Assault Rifle, and is pretty over-used, especially by bots. Its secondary function is decent enough, but nothing special. Its primary function is rather poor. Use another gun when possible. *Primary Function:* Rapid Fire (horribly inaccurate, even at close range, waste of ammo) *Secondary Function:* Standard Fire (more accurate) ### Flak Cannon *Slot:* 7 *Usage:* My personal favourite, a gun that shoots white-hot shrapnel at your target, much like a shotgun. This is probably the single-best close range weapon in the game. Two shots with primary fire will kill almost anyone regardless of shielding or armour, and one shot of secondary fire is almost a guaranteed one-hit kill (though the secondary function is harder to hit someone with than primary). It can be used at long-range, but it's not recommended. Also, the primary fire from this gun will ricochet at least once per shot *Primary Function:* Flak Blast (Faster, somewhat less accurate, but more potential per shot in close groups) *Secondary Function:* Flak Grenade (No spread, one hit kill, unpredictable flight path) ### Rocket Launcher *Slot:* 8 *Usage:* A basic rocket launcher, every FPS has one. UT's rocket launcher isn't very good at its job, it takes 2-3 hits to kill someone even if they have no armour and have already been hit by something. The 2004 version looks much more like the rocket launchers seen in other games, it only loads three shots at a time instead of 6, and there's no grenade mode. However, one improvement is the ability to fire the multi-charged shots in a tight forward spiral instead of in a fanned-out pattern. Simply tap the primary fire button just after the third rocket loads, right before they launch. If you hit your target, it will be a guaranteed one-hit kill. *Primary Fire:* Rapid-Fire Rockets (hover on target for guided mode) *Secondary Fire:* Cluster-Fire Rockets (click & hold to charge multiple shots, tap primary fire just before firing to launch in a tight spiral) ### Sniper Rifle *Slot:* 10 *Usage:* Another favourite of mine (that my LAN party mates know very well), the sniper rifle is an amazing all-around weapon. While it's intended for long-range use with the scope, it also works well at medium and close range without it. *Primary Fire:* Semi-Auto Rifle Shots *Secondary Fire:* Scope (click & hold to zoom, click again to reset) ### Redeemer *Slot:* 10 *Usage:* This is a very rare weapon, but most maps have one. Its primary fire is rather silly, but its secondary fire (fly-by-wire) is amazing. When using it, steer using the mouse and aim for clusters. The Redeemer's missile can be shot down, though, so fly erratically and make yourself hard to hit. Also, to throw people off and detonate prematurely (in mid-air right in front of a group while they line up shots on you), hit primary fire while flying. *Primary Fire:* Standard Rocket (flies in a perfectly straight line) *Secondary Fire:* Fly-By-Wire ### Enhanced Shock Rifle *Slot:* 4 *Usage:* This is only present when using the Insta-Gib mutator. You get unlimited ammo, and both triggers do the exact same thing. Excellent practice for no-scope headshots with the sniper rifle. Also, like its less-exciting brother (regular Shock Rifle), the Enhanced Shock Rifle is insta-hit (despite its delayed-hit animation). *Primary Fire:* One-Shot-Kill Insta-Hit Shock Blast *Secondary Fire:* One-Shot-Kill Insta-Hit Shock Blast -- (c) 2006 Natasha L. Original version and further downloads available at https://sl.lupinia.net/writing/tech/utweapons.htm