#TwitterPonies By Natasha L. - www.lupinia.net Date: May 2, 2011 ======================== ## Ponies on Twitter = Magical Recently, a group of in-character account popped up on Twitter, consisting of people playing the roles of various cast members from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Pretty much every character is represented, including the main cast, supporting roles, and fan characters like "Dr. Whooves". And yes, even Derpy (*eyerolls*). They primarily interact only with each other, which is interesting to watch, if not particularly engaging. But, occasionally they'll interact with their followers, which is fun, and can be very endearing if executed well. This is why I'm an even bigger fan of this project than when I first found out about it. Since this is a public post, I'll give a little background info: I have a moderate case of seasonal depression, so sunlight (and lack thereof) has a very strong effect on my mood. Usually, it's manageable, I'm fortunate enough to have a home office with amazing sun exposure (the few weeks I worked in a windowless office during the day were downright torturous), and skies are pretty clear around here during most of the year. However, winter is often rough on me, and while I've definitely had plenty of less-abstract reasons to be depressed this year, the weather hasn't helped. It's bad enough that there's less sun every day, but when the skies are cloudy for weeks at a time, it's hard to keep my head straight. The last few weeks have been unusually emotionally turbulent for me, but earlier this week, we had the clearest skies I've seen here all month. It was absolutely beautiful, but only for about two days. Then we went back to icky, cloudy days, and on Wednesday, I was feeling downright miserable. So, Wednesday night, I posted this on Twitter: _Why am I so emotionally unstable? Just days ago, I was feeling great, and now I'm back to wanting to cry again. I hope sunlight is to blame._ It led to this conversation with Rainbow Dash: - *mlp_rainbow* : .@lupinia Sounds like your weather pegusi are slacking! I'll give 'em a kick for you, send some nice sunshine your way to cheer you up. - *lupinia* : @mlp_rainbow Hehe! It's been dark, cold, and rainy ALL day, bad news for a season-sensitive girl. But I live in the Everfree Forest :-/ (a lame reference to living in a mountain/forest town, as well as living in the "real world") - *mlp_rainbow* : .@lupinia Okay, well that kinda sucks. The weather still change there, though! Just... Really... creepily. >.< - *lupinia* : @mlp_rainbow Yeah, I don't get the luxury of awesomely-talented pegasi clearing the clouds and showing off their rockin' flight skills :-P - *mlp_rainbow* : .@lupinia I know, I am pretty awesome! Hey, I gotta go, long day sky clearing ahead. You feel better else I'll come kick the sad out! - *lupinia* : @mlp_rainbow *squeaks* Yes ma'am, I'll try :-) Overall, a pretty silly conversation, but you know what? It made me feel a lot better. More than that, it really warmed my heart, and even brought that so-happy-I-could-cry feeling to my eyes. Not only did it clear up my depression that night, it did it so well that I felt like writing, and actually did it, something I've been struggling to motivate myself to do for weeks. To say it was a special evening is an understatement. Unfortunately, the feeling didn't last much beyond sunrise (I've been nocturnal this week); the weather was miserable, and it was the sort of day where not a single thing went right. But, for a few hours that night, I might as well have been in the Carribean. I don't even know anything about the people involved in this, and to be honest, I like it that way, it makes this all the more magical. So, I highly recommend checking them out, the accounts are linked below. I don't know if they're some super-organized RP group, or a bunch of random pony fans from an obscure IRC chat, but whatever the case, they're doing a great job of bringing already-vivid characters to life in a way that all the fanfics and artwork haven't been able to. Plus, it can lead to special moments for pony fans like me. And, if Rainbow Dash reads this, thank you. You may not be able to jump dimensions and clear the Virginia skies, but you definitely cleared the clouds of my emotions. ## Twitter Ponies Save The Day Again A bit of a recap: I'm a huge fan of the [Twitter Ponies](http://twitter.com/#!/mlp_twilight/my-little-pony-rp-2). If you're not familiar with them, they're basically a group of RPers who do an exceptional job playing the day-to-day adventures of the cast of My Little Pony. Such an exceptional job, in fact, that even knowing full-well that they're just regular people behind the characters (and even knowing a few of them outside their characters), interacting with them feels like I'm really interacting with the MLP characters. Which is just awesome, on so many levels. That magical interaction leads to some special moments, too, [which I've posted about before](twitterponies01.htm). The special moment I posted about in that linked entry? It happened again, on a larger scale :-) As I mentioned in my last post, I was in the ER at the local hospital again recently, and I was there for a considerable about of time, almost 14 hours total. My phone died within the first 2 hours of waiting, so I was left completely disconnected from Twitter, and unable to tell anyone how I was doing. When I came home, and caught up on all the Twitter posts I'd missed, I was treated to a wonderful surprise. In addition to all the sweet messages from all my friends, my dear friend Syme did something else, he informed Twilight Sparkle on Twitter that I was in the hospital. What happened next was both overwhelming and touching beyond words. Not only did Twilight send a get-well message, but a ton of the other pony characters did too! The outpouring of support made me cry happy tears for quite some time, and to read through them still makes me tear up. It was very special receiving in-character well-wishings from the entire cast of a show that's very dear to my heart, but beyond that, a fairly large group of people who barely know me took time out of their RP project to tell me to get well soon. As cheesey as it sounds, friendship really is magic :-) Here are the messages they sent, in the order I received them. - *[Syme Lion](http://twitter.com/symethelion)* \- @mlp_twilight I'm sorry to bother you while you're working, but a dear friend and big fan of yours, @lupinia, is ill in hospital tonight. - *[Twilight Sparkle](http://twitter.com/mlp_twilight)* \- .@lupinia Feel better soon!! *hugs up* I hope this twitterbird reaches you in the hospital. @mlp_Nursepony, do your best! - *[Rainbow Dash](http://twitter.com/mlp_rainbow)* \- .@lupinia You better feel better soon! I'll have some awesome pictures of stunts for you when you get out! - *[Spike Dragon](http://twitter.com/mlp_spike)* \- Okay! Okay. Wait. One sec. I'm ready. NO WAIT! Okay, I'm ready now. GET WELL SOON, @lupinia! Was that good? I'm gonna name a dish after her. - *[Big McIntosh](http://twitter.com/mlp_bigmcintosh)* \- Hope ya feel better soon, @lupinia. - *[Twilight Sparkle](http://twitter.com/mlp_twilight)* \- *giggles* That was great, @mlp_Spike. I'm sure @lupinia will be very happy. ^^ - *[Cloud Kicker](http://twitter.com/MLP_CloudKicker)* \- Oh no!! @lupinia's not feeling well? I know what'll help her! Aunti Cloud (did I just call myself that? o.O) can make a get well cloud!! - *[Photo Finish](http://twitter.com/mlp_photofinish)* \- I, Photo Finish, demand zat @lupinia get better soon. Now! We go! *zoom* - *[Fluttershy](http://twitter.com/mlp_fluttershy)* \- Oh my goodness, @lupinia's not feeling well? Well, we'll just see about that, won't we @mlp_Angel? *gets out bandages* - *[Princess Celestia](http://twitter.com/mlp_celestia)* \- By royal proclamation, I, Celestia of Equestria, require @lupinia to get well soon. I hereby affix my hoof. *stamps the enormous wax seal* - *[Brigadier Jodhpur](http://twitter.com/mlp_brigadier)* \- Ahem, @lupinia, it's come to my attention you're feeling poorly. Well, stiff upper lip and all that. Carry on. - *[Hoity Toity](http://twitter.com/MLP_HoityToity)* \- Really, @lupinia must get better soon. This "friends of Hoity Toity" discount is going unused. Not to mention this new dress for her. - *[Quill Pen (Ponyville News)](http://twitter.com/mlp_PVNews)* \- *BREAKING* Swift Succor Sought for Suffering @lupinia! - *[Knight Guardian](http://twitter.com/mlp_guardpony)* \- *Elite regiment of Her Majesty's Household Guards snap to attention in parade formation* @lupinia, get well soon! *fanfare* - *[Denise Unicorn](http://twitter.com/MLP_Denise)* \- *Denise slips into bed..* Zzzzzz... *Oh and.. get well too from me on this side of the ponyverse too @lupinia!* - *[Pinkie Pie](http://twitter.com/MLP_Pinkie)* \- zzzzzz......@lupinia.....feel better.....soon...zzzzzz - *[Trixie](http://twitter.com/mlp_trixie)* \- you better get well soon @lupinia! you can't be Great and Powerful when your sick! - *[Winona](http://twitter.com/mlp_winona)* \- Winona sneaks into the hospital & lays beside @lupinia until she gets better again. *nuzzles & wags* - *[Princess Luna](http://twitter.com/mlp_luna)* \- @lupinia it is late but you know how the nightshiftponies are ;) get well soon and enjoy the nights even more then! As if all that wasn't enough, Cheerilee (the teacher) gave her students an "assignment" to draw me a Get Well card, and several of them actually did it! So cute! :-D - *[Cheerilee](http://twitter.com/mlp_cheerilee)* \- Sends a bird to each of her students. "Extra Credit. Draw a 'Get Well' picture for @lupinia. Send it to her to lift her spirits." ~Cheerilee - *[Diamond Tiara](http://twitter.com/mlp_Diamond)* \- OK, Ms. @mlp_cheerilee! *scribbles picture* Here you go, @lupinia! Get well soon! - *[Tornado Bolt](http://twitter.com/MLP_Tornado)* \- here ya go Ms. @mlp_cheerilee for @Lupinia PS. I'm a flier not a drawer! - *[Sweetie Belle](http://twitter.com/mlp_sweetie)* \- Get well soon @lupinia There were more than this, mostly out-of-character messages, and they kept cheering me on all the way through Friday's surgery. I simply can't find words to express how moved I am by all this. These ponies really are special, in so many ways, and I'm rather honoured that they took the time to give me so much love when I was sick. Thank you, ponies :-) -- (c) 2011 Natasha L. Original version and further downloads available at https://sl.lupinia.net/furry/twitterponies01.htm